Collection: Dice Advent Calendar and The Ridiculously Random Build-A-Character Roll-a-thon!

Welcome Friend!

Doubtless your arrival is due to your desire to participate in, or at least observe, the creation of some incorrigibly silly characters as a part of our 2024 Advent Calendar Ridiculously Random Build-A-Character Roll-a-thon!

We have over 15 amazing content creators joining us on Instagram to create silly characters of their own this year, and we would love YOU to join in that journey as well! Be sure to join us on Instagram @ntsdgaming, and tag us as you build your character, so that revelry and belly laughs may abound!

Let's dive in, shall we?

As you trudge through the darkened forest, snowflakes begin again to drift down from the night sky, hissing on your torch. Holly and pine boughs bend beneath the weight of built-up snow, brushing your clothes as you and your party push through snow-drifts towards the Temple of Wenceslas. It has been so for 5 days, and the magic of Winter’s Crest hangs quiet and peaceful in the air.

     Suddenly, the forest ends, and across a wide courtyard, you see the Great Temple you have sought for so long, and hear the peal of the Winter’s Crest Bells! The great doors swing wide, and a tall portly priest, with the distinctive holly wreath of the Yuletide Fathers calls to you. “Oh Ho Ho! Welcome and well met, dear friends! Your journey is at an end, and there are great rewards within!”

    You hasten to the entrance, and within lies the true object of every adventurer’s desire: twenty Four great chests of looting are arrayed in splendor on the dais of the temple. 

    From behind you hear the jolly laugh of the priest. “Come friends! Let us see what gifts the gods of fortune have for you…”